Very Late Reaction to Seals of Endeavor

We all know Elder Scrolls Online is the kind of game that wants your money. You can purchase pretty much anything in the game for real money. During April 2021, though, ESO got an update that made a lot of people happy. A new kind of currency called Seals of Endeavor was introduced to us, and I for one cannot recommend the fun feature enough. I made a little video about this back when Blackwood was brand new, but as time has passed, I wanted to share my current views on the topic. 

Seals of Endeavor can be gathered through completing both Daily and Weekly activities in the game. You can find tasks under the Activities-menu. Every day, you'll find five new tasks to choose from. These vary from brewing potions to slaying monsters to placing furniture to stealing things. Daily endeavors reward you with 10-15 Seals of Endeavor. Only three of the tasks can be completed. 

Every week, you get three challenges. Weekly endeavors grant a higher reward, usually around 200 Seals of Endeavor. These tasks vary from killing World Bosses to slaying monsters with Weapon Abilities to completing Dungeons. You can only complete one of these. 

Seals of Endeavor can be used in a new section of Crown Store. You can choose to purchase any Crown Crate item with Seals of Endeavor, and their prices vary from affordable to obscene. Still, getting to earn Crown Crate items through playing is much nicer than just throwing money at the game. For me, this is rewarding. Earning things in game makes me happier than buying them, if that makes sense. 

Though I'm still thrilled about the feature, it does have a minor flaw. 

Many Crown Crate items are expensive. The coolest mounts go for 16,000 Seals of Endeavor. As you can collect approx 250 per week, it takes a while to accumulate wealth. This is a convenient way to get more affordable items, but the mount of your dreams might remain out of reach. Elder Scrolls Online does want your money as badly as Valkyrie needs food. Still, Seals of Endeavor is a step toward the right direction, encouraging people to play the game instead of just buying the latest status symbol. I'll continue to mention the system, hoping more and more people will join the fun. 

Until next time. 


