ESO - All Kinds of Experience Boosters

I've just made a new character (again) in Elder Scrolls Online. Getting her levelled up is my main priority, so today, I wanted to talk a bit about different ways to get more experience. 

Dorothéa in the making - ESO character creation window

Training gear can be obtained in many ways. The most popular way to get training gear, is to head on over to any starter island, and farm it out. Pieces for Armor of the Trainee drop in five locations: Bal Foyen, Bethnik, Bleackrock Isle, Khenarti’s Roost, and Stros M’Kai. You can find pieces to the armor set by killing bosses, looting treasure chests, and turning in quests. This method is also the easiest. Dropped armor pieces and weapons are free, and don’t require upgrading. Farming for gear might be slow, but it’s also fun.

Armor of the Trainee - ESO

Training gear can also be crafted. Freshly made white pieces with the Training Trait give a 7% boost to experience gained through kills. After upgrading gear to green, each piece gives an 8% boost, and so on. I upgraded all pieces to purple, which gives Dorothéa a 10% boost per armor piece equipped. Armor covers six slots. With a weapon made with the Training trait, that comes to 70% more experience. That’s a big difference, so it does pay off to invest in training gear. 

Developing a crafting character takes quite a while. Researching traits can take weeks, so being able to craft training gear on a low level character isn’t a realistic goal. Luckily, ESO has a wide and kind community of crafters. You can visit guild traders to purchase training gear, or ask friends to craft some for you. Many players use the zone chat to find crafters to help them out. If you’re not into crafting, this is a viable option to find training gear.

You can also get a boost to experience gained by consuming experience scrolls. These can be purchased from the crown store, but I would advice against that option. You can get experience scrolls for free by logging in daily, and claiming your daily rewards. Each month, you can get 10 scrolls that give a 50% boost to all experience gained, and one that gives a 150% boost. Using experience scrolls is an easy way to level up faster and with more efficiency. You can also get some scrolls as presents through levelling up.

Daily rewards - ESO September 2021

Certain events in ESO grant bonus experience. If you aren’t in a rush, it might be smart to create a new character at the beginning of one of these events. During the Anniversary Jubilee in April, Witches Festival in October, and New Life Festival at the end of December, you can get double experience points by just using a memento. This boost can be paired with scrolls for even more experience.

ESO Plus is another way to get a bit more experience. Members get a 10% boost, but unless you’re a hardcore player or want to support the game, this might be a bit of an overkill. Another fun way to gain more experience, is sharing Ritual of Mara with a friend. This will tie two characters together, giving both a 10% experience boost when grouped up. Ritual of Mara can be purchased from the Crown Store.

I've also made a video on the subject. Check it out here, and if you'd like to see me level up Dorothéa live, join me on Thursdays @2pm for a live stream


