Fallout 4 Mods I use

 I don't just play Elder Scrolls Online. I like Fallout, too. Fallout 4 has been my absolute favourite FO since the moment I created my first character. The reason for this is simple: building. I cannot even begin to tell you how much I enjoy putting together small houses for my settlers, and decorating them with objects I think accentuate their personality. I know I should be playing SIMS, but... well, you can't kill Deathclaws in SIMS, can you? 

I play a heavily modded Fallout 4, and I would like to take this opportunity to list the mods I use. 

Here we go. 


Shakuijin's Better Warning for Settlements Being Attacked

Hangman's Alley Interior Apartments

Jamaica Plain Interior Home

Egret Tours Marina Interior Buildings

Rebuilt Sunshine Tidings

Norespawns - Home Plate Decorated


Working Food Planters

Convenient Stores

Scrap Everything

Elys - Settlement Build Max Size

Thematic and Practical

My Settlement Diner

Room Dividers

Elevator Button Fix (you'll only need this if your elevator decides to get rid of its call button)

12 Potted Trees

Renovated Furniture

V's Community Art

Art Gallery



Do It Yourshelf (currently available only on Bethesda's official site, I'm guessing it was so good they wanted it all to themselves)

Invisible Furniture

CWSS Redux Bathrooms

Replace Pack Brahmins with Eyebots (settlement supply lines only)


More Scavenging Stations

Working Settlers

Singing Settler

Videos of the Wasteland

Natural Green

Diverse Cats


Load Accelerator

Looking on the list, it doesn't look like much. When building, though, the difference between vanilla FO4 is pretty big. 

I hope you've enjoyed reading about my Fallout 4 Mods. 

Until next time. 


