How to Become a Vampire in Elder Scrolls Online

I've developed a liking toward Vampires in Elder Scrolls Online. They're beautiful, complex, and challenging to play. Building Ethérna Rose taught me much, and so I wanted to create another vampire character. I chose a level 5 Dark Elf as my victim. Lilyanne Rose was my first alt, but I haven't really played with her. Now, as I figured out she can just be a test subject for various Vampire-build options, I'm enthralled with her. I made a video on how to become a Vampire in ESO, and you can check it out here.

There are three ways to become a Vampire in Elder Scrolls Online. Your first choice is the easiest. March on over to the Crown Store, and spend 1,500 crowns on the Curse of Vampirism. Make sure you're logged on with the character you wish to turn!

I think the price is pretty steep, considering we're talking about real money here. Buying the curse is easy, though, so if you want to become a Vamp right now without talking to anyone, this is the way. You can also become a Werewolf this way. Not with the same character, though.

The most challenging way is to catch the disease that causes Vampirisim. In order to do this, you'll need to find a Blood Fiend. They spawn on specific locations in three areas. They only come out around midnight, you can't predict where they'll spawn, and there will only be one each night. After you find one, you'll need to let it bite you before killing it.

I hunted for three weeks, read every guide, and studied every hidden detail I could get my hands on. I found nothing. Charming, though, stumbled upon one by accident. There is one thing proven about this method: it requires an obscene amount of luck.

The easiest way is to find a Vampire altar in Bangkorai, The Rift, or Reaper's March, and open the zone chat. Politely say Yo dudes, I need a vamp bite, please, and wait for a Vampire character to play the knight in shining armour. Some players ask for gold in exchange, but that's frowned upon. The Dark Gift should be given freely.

Unlike many things in the game, a Vampire's bite doesn't give you a notification. There's no prompt to accept the bite. You just get bitten, end of story. After you've been inflicted with the curse of Vampirism, you'll find a scroll at your feet. Opening and reading it will start a quest called Scion of the Blood Matron, which will introduce you to the Vampire skills, and, upon completion, unlock the skill line for your character.

Your Vampire level will increase in time, with experience like all skills. Your Vampire skills will unlock as you progress. As level 4 Vampires are regarded as monsters, it might be a smart idea to refrain from feeding until you're able to unlock the Mesmerize skill. That skill is the only thing that can make merchants and bankers do business with a level 4 Vampire.

Playing Elder Scrolls Online as a Vampire can be challenging, but it can also be great fun. I can't wait to level up Lilyanne Rose.

I hope you've enjoyed this little guide on how to become a Vampire in Elder Scrolls Online.
Until next time.
