
After examining swords and daggers with Rianmiel Rose, I wanted to go for a magicka build. Creating Erzébeth took a long, long time, but now I'm finally happy with her. She's a super-easy build to play, and with her, I can even enjoy group dungeons.

Erzébeth is a High Elf Storm Sorcerer. As High Elves are, often mockingly, referred to as Goldenrods in Oblivion, I wanted to make her as golden as possible. She wears shades of gold and copper, her blond hair is cropped short, and a fire-breathing frog follows her every step. She rides a Clouded Senche, and dons a cheerful personality. Erzébeth resides in Cliffshade, which I decorated in the High Elf style.


I wanted to make Erzébeth as deadly as possible. I also wanted her to stay alive on her own even when facing more challenging enemies. A combination of Restoration and Destruction Staffs (or is it "staves") proved most useful. With two different kinds of weapons, Erzébeth's skill set is wider, and can span from Restoration to Storm Calling and Dark Magic. I'm quite pleased with her build; it's not only fun to play, but also very efficient. I took Erzébeth for a spin around a Group Dungeon. It's the easiest one around, but I still had loads of fun there. Check out that video here!

Set One - Restoration Staff

Critical Surge


Ultimate Ability - Daedric Summoning

Greater Storm Atronach (feel free to equip something more fun!)

Set Two - Lightning Staff

Lightning Flood

Hardened Ward

Ultimate Ability - Destruction Staff

Thunderous Rage


For Erzébeth, I chose one craftable set, one overland set, and one monster set. Erzébeth is a bit of an older character, and so her gear doesn't follow the latest trends. These are timeless classics, though, and have proven efficient in many, many builds before us. 

First, I have the Shacklebreaker Set taking over five slots, chest, legs, feet, and both weapons. Armor pieces are made with the Impenetrable Trait, which increases Critical Resistance. Weapons, however, hold different traits. 

My Lightning Staff is made with the Precise Trait, which increases Weapon and Spell Critical. It bears a Fiery Weapon Enchantment. Make a note of it, it’s important. My Restoration Staff bears a Weapon Damage Enchantment, which increases Weapon and Spell Damage. It’s made with the Infused Trait, which increases weapon enchantment effect. Shacklebreaker Set can be crafted in Morrowind only. 

Erzébeth's second set is the Thunderbug's Carapace. It's an Overland set, which drops in Malabal Tor. I have it over another five slots, Waist, Hands, and Jewellery. This set gives a bonus to armor and Maximum Magicka. Whenever Erzébeth takes damage, she has a 50% chance of dealing a wave of Shock Damage to enemies nearby. This makes the Thunderbug Set loads of fun!

For the Monster Set, I chose the Ilambris Set. The helm for this set drops when you slay the last Boss in Veteran Crypt of Hearts I. The shoulders must be purchased from an Undaunted vendor. The Ilambris Set grants a bonus to Maximum Magicka. With both pieces equipped, you have a chance of summoning a meteor cloud whenever you deal Flame or Shock Damage. This is why Erzébeth has the Fiery Enchantment on her Lightning Staff: as she deals two kinds of damage, she can summon a fire storm or a lightning storm. Or both at the same time if she's lucky. (Update: the set was changed, and now the storm has both effects at all times)

I've made a video on Erzébeth's build. If you'd like to check it out, hop on over to my YouTube

I hope you had fun reading about Erzébeth's build.
Until next time.
